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Je veux être la fille avec la plupart de gâteau. Regardez-moi dans la glace.
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11 July 2008


Bisou (I Shot Myself)

First, let me say that the line between "porn" and "art" for me is pretty fuzzy. I mean, if "porn" is designed to titillate, and "art" to inspire, what is a girl supposed to do when Guernica makes her all warm and tingly--I mean, inspired and titillated down there? Can't it be both? For that matter, why does it have to "be" anything?

Frankly, I make few distinctions in the realm of the visual when it comes to images like this:

Aw, look at that. The contrast between light and shadow. The fine detail of wispy tummy hairs. That's some sweet brush work, Bisou.


Blogger Unknown said...

A fine grey fuzzy line indeed. Maybe its both. But as you say, why do we have to label it?

Anonymous Anonymous said...

love the site. you are now in all my fantasies.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

outstanding pic ... artistic, erotic, sensational ...

Blogger Ceeej said...

So difficult to define, one person's porn is another's art and isn't all art porn in the end anyway? Pretentious crap aside, what a beautiful picture, arousing and tasteful..


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